Session Descriptions
Session 1 - 2:40 to 3:40- Fun, socially engaging activity, location: outside around the building or in the Cafeteria. Every day we will have a different activity or focus: environmental nature walk, sports, sidewalk games, crafts, robotics, photography, cooking class, etc. Goal for Session 1:
Foster students re-connecting with peers.
Build and support positive, in-person, social interactions.
Reduce stress by engaging the body and mind in fun activities
Promote time away from a computer screen.
Session 2 - 3:40 to 4:00- Snack, provided by The Zone, Cafeteria, Goal for Session 2: To continue positive connections with peers and staff.
Session 3 - 4:00 to 5:00- Targeted Academic Coaching and Homework Help, except Fridays, Cafeteria, Goals for Session 3:
Provide targeted academic support with a focus on ELA on Mondays, Math on Tuesdays, Reading on Wednesdays, and Social Studies on Thursdays.
Provide assistance regarding work management, organization, and study skills.
Work closely with classroom teachers to support students when requested.
Foster a commitment to high academic standards.
Session 4 - 5:00 to Closing- Extra Academic Coaching or Physically Activity, Cafeteria or Gym - depending on the weather and interest. Some popular choices are badminton, basketball, football, jump rope, foursquare, scavenger hunts. Goals from Session 1-3 continued.
Sample of our Activities: Soccer, basketball, football, floor hockey, volleyball, four square, knock hockey, table tennis, jump rope, gymnastics, open gym, cooking, arts and crafts, locker decorating, movies, computers, video games, board games, hallway games, walks, knitting, yoga, and lots more.
Please note: students may attend clubs during the first activity and then return back to The Zone program at the beginning of Snack. We also have students who are members of a school sports team. Students can practice or attend a game with their team and then return to The Zone provided it is before 6 pm.